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Nurses & Midwives Health

Reviewed and updated 3 April 2024

What is Nurses & Midwives Health?

Nurses & Midwives Health is a brand that sells health insurance.

Is Nurses & Midwives Health a registered health insurer?

No. Nurses & Midwives is not a registered insurer.

Instead, Teachers Health (a registered insurer) created the Nurses & Midwives Health brand to sell health insurance to nurses and midwives.

Who can join Nurses & Midwives Health?

You can join Nurses & Midwives Health if you are:

  • a registered nurse or midwife
  • nurse practitioner
  • mothercraft nurse
  • nursing student undergoing training, student nurse or trainee enrolled nurse
  • enrolled nurse
  • psychiatric nurse
  • assistant in nursing or midwifery
  • employees providing or assisting to provide nursing care or services.

You must also be a current or former member of any of these nursing/midwifery unions:

  • Australian Nursing Federation (WA Branch)
  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ACT Branch)
  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (NT Branch)
  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (SA Branch)
  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (TAS Branch)
  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (VIC Branch)
  • NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association
  • Queensland Nurses & Midwives’ Union.

You can also join if you are relative of someone who is eligible to join Nurses & Midwives Health. This includes if you are:

  • a current or former spouse/partner
  • an adult child or their partner or dependent child
  • dependent children of an adult child
  • grandchild
  • dependent child
  • sibling or their partner or dependent child
  • parent.

What products does Nurses & Midwives Health offer?

Nurses & Midwives Health offers:

Does Nurses & Midwives offer Ambulance Cover?

Yes. In all states and territories except Queensland and Tasmania, Uni Health insurance offers emergency Ambulance Cover with:

  • Hospital Cover
  • Extras Cover
  • Combined Hospital and Extras Cover.

If you live in Queensland or Tasmania, you are covered by state government ambulance services.

If you don’t want to purchase Hospital Cover or Extras Cover, you can also purchase a separate policy for emergency Ambulance Cover.

Does Nurses & Midwives let me claim online or via an app?

Yes. Nurses & Midwives Health allows you to claim online or via their member app.

How to contact Nurses & Midwives Health?


1300 344 000



Via online form or


Teachers Health
Level 4
260 Elizabeth Street

Postal address:

Nurses & Midwives Health
GPO Box 9812

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